Would you like to partner with FRC as an affiliate member? The options differ in the scopes of timeframe, benefits, and commitments, but there are no levels of seniority and all stakeholdersacademics, practitioners, policy makers and especially community membersare welcome to join!


FRC Affiliate Benefits: FRC Affiliate Commitments/Contributions
  • Networking and relationship-building across stakeholders (e.g., faculty, educators, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, industry, and community stakeholders).
  • Access to communication networks (e.g., social media posts; newsletter; etc.) to publicize collaborations, research, outreach, and education efforts.
  • Early-bird registration for FRC events, research seminars, workshops, trainings, and other professional development opportunities (project management; data management; proposal budgets; logic models; conceptual models; etc.).
  • Research Bootcamp for graduate students, postdocs, and organization team members (1 registration/affiliate).
  • Communication assistance with dissemination products (e.g., podcasts), with credit to FRC given (1/yr).
  • Co-develop short professional development sessions (can be added to resume or CV).

Interested? Fill out this form or email us at familyresiliency@illinois.edu for inquiries.


One-page Collaboratory piece by the Family Resiliency Center

View the one-page Collaboratory piece from the Family Resiliency Center.

Ongoing or annual basis

  • List FRC affiliation and provide acknowledgements when submitting manuscripts, giving talks, and accepting awards supported by FRC funds or in-kind resources.
  • Be an ambassador for FRC (e.g., being an active advocate for FRC activities and priorities).
  • Keep FRC informed of news and accomplishments (e.g., papers, briefs, policy impact, funding, honors/awards).
  • Submit annual report and survey to FRC.

Minimum of ONE of the following activities/year:

  • Contribute to FRC's outreach, translation, and dissemination activities (e.g., podcasts, building blocks, co-authoring papers).
  • Serve as reviewer for seed-funding grant proposals.
  • Assist developing FRC networks and reach through introductions, shared memberships (where possible), invited talks, etc.
  • Contribute to Qualtrics, REDCap, or other online survey measure repository (measures, codebooks, scoring algorithm).
  • Co-shape the FRC FRAME research hubs: current projects added to the FRC portfolio; co-design professional development activities including microlearning; co-organize a conference; activities and events.
  • Provide seminar or guest presentation (e.g., brownbag, colloquium, seminar).
  • Co-teach or cross-list courses to support an FRC developed certificate, badge, other.